Starting now, we will be putting out monthly updates here and continuing to report any issues or mistakes we have made. First and most importantly, new filament and a full restock are due any day now.
We decided last year to slow down and dedicate the time to thoroughly test all the new filament that we would like to sell on the store. Anything we sell, you can trust in the fact that we print with our own filament every single day and continue to quality test from batch to batch.
We are starting to roll out updates to the site, including a new file section to host our own models and CAD work. Changes are planned this year to streamline navigation and overall update the layout to a more modern style while maintaining a 'keep it stupid and simple' design philosophy.
We are aiming to expand the filament range this year, including colors and material types, while keeping our prices as competitive as possible but making sure the quality of our filament is the best around.
The last bit of the update is just a thank you to every single customer that has purchased from the store. We really appreciate a lot of customers taking the time to talk to us and share their passion for 3D printing. It's honestly a massive highlight to running the store and keeps us motivated